Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Tip - 6

While writing the content of the website, concentrate more on what the customer wants. The content should be more focused on what your website is offering to the customer. Do not stuff the keywords and key phrases on the content. By doing this customer cant understand what the website is giving.

Some points to be remember while writing content of the website :

1) Web site content should be focused on your audience.

2) When writing your Web copy, you need to dialogs in an appropriate tone and format for the right audience.

3) Some of the most interesting content will have more appeal if it speaks to your audience in terms like: you can, you might, you will, yours, your and you're INSTEAD of we, ours, we're, we will, we can, etc. This is extremely important when working on sales related copy.

4) Content should be to the point, short, covering all the services your website is giving.

1 comment:

Wildnet Technologies said...

your blog is nice. I will bookmark it and I plan to visit regularly.
SEO Watford